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Suspended Coffees & Meals

Monkey Park has a Suspended Coffees service - that enables people visiting the hub to buy vouchers for £1 (the cost of a basic coffee) which are kept in a fund dedicated to provide for people who are currently in need.



Although we do have paid staff, the community hub is led by a local team of volunteers. Our clubs, events & activities all run because of the generosity of our great team of volunteers. If you’d like to help, please contact us at or on social media.

At the moment, we’re particularly looking for help with baking, gardening, cleaning, maintenance & in our kitchen. Our bike workshop always welcomes new members of the team, who volunteer regularly to gain skills & have good fun.


The Monkey Park Community Hub trades for the benefit of local people but is a non-profit. We are supported by donations as well as trading & are grateful for any help that our community can offer.


Make & Sell

We help local people to sell the crafts that they make. Our Makers’ Corner is full of interesting & quirky gifts for every occasion. If you’d like Monkey Park to help you to sell your creations, then please pop in for a chat or contact us on